NexSeed offers not only basic daily conversation but also business English classes. In class, students practice professional business extensively to be familiar with business communication, business report, and even product introduction and presentation. It will be of a great help to future employment or overseas work.
The purpose of learning business English
Business English aims to cover a range of skills that are found in everyday work scenarios. It is also designed for students who want to enhance their professional communication skills. Students are given a form base and firm knowledge of Business English.
Learning from this course
The students can learn business terminologies, formal vocabulary, how to execute a business presentation, meeting and negotiation as well as business writing. So this course will help them practice and enrich their communication skills in specific business settings and situations.
學生可以學習商業術語,正式詞彙,如何執行商業演示,會議和談判以及商業寫作。 所以本課程將幫助他們在特定的商業環境和情境下練習和豐富他們的溝通技巧。
Benefits in the future
The outcome of learning Business English are: First, they will have confidence to conduct business in English. Second, they are able to develop and deliver effective presentations. Lastly, not only do students learn business language skills, but they also learn how to work in business environments.