今天小編來訪問已從NexSeed畢業一年多的台灣學生 - Wei Wei。





 1. 為何會選擇到宿霧及NexSeed學習英文?

NexSeed 座談會內容大致是創辦人在分享自己的旅遊經歷及創辦學校的初衷,且我很幸運的在這得到了一些優惠,愛貪小便宜的我(笑)加上座談會有很詳細的課程內容解說及上課環境介紹,當時覺得很OK且認同創辦人理念。

所以就決定報名了8週,於是我來到了NexSeed,一切都是有趣的命運安排吧 我想(笑)


 1. Why did you choose to Come to Cebu and study in NexSeed?

It was an interesting story. At that time I was going to Australia for working holiday and I knew my English was not good. 
So, I started to search info about studying English in Cebu. Then I found an event by NexSeed. The CEO shared about his experience traveling around the world and the reason why he wanted to build NexSeed to be his business. I was lucky because I got a discount after I joined the event. Not only I got discount, but also I agree CEO's concept of this school.
So, I decided to join NexSeed for 8 weeks. I think coming to NexSeed was destiny.

(第一個週末就幸運遇上菲律賓一年一度的最大盛典 - Sinulog。)

 2. 請分享一位對你影響較大的老師,他的教學方法、對你學習英文的幫助是什麼?


硬是要說一位印象深刻的老師是 Huber,很喜歡上他的課。他知道我不喜歡一直重複唸發音,於是訂定了每日唸完一篇文章,然後抽題目問答。

 2. Please share a special teacher for you? What kind of teaching way? What makes your English improve?
I feel each teacher is helping me a lot. They are all the best.
But the memorable teacher is Hubert. I like his class. He knows I don't like to repeat pronunciation. So he let me read an article everyday and ask question to answer.
He tries to correct my pronunciation from my answer. In this way I study without stress.






 3. 覺得在留學後得到哪些成長或幫助?





來之前英文很不好,起初還擔心是不是需要請一個翻譯跟我一同跟堂上課啊?! 後來覺得這擔心是多餘的(笑)


我自己覺得NexSeed的老師很厲害!因為開學前有小小的測驗,所以老師知道我的程度在哪。當我有不知道的單字或意思時,老師們總是能以另一個我聽的懂的意思來解釋, 除非我還是聽不懂他們才會讓我查字典。







 3. What did you gain after studying abroad?

For English, I must admit as a student I am not good . So, I know I can’t get big improvement after two months. But I feel my listening and speaking skills have improved better than before. This is a big advantage for an English speaking environment. 

By the way, I have joined a tutorial school. I am curious what will happen if I will stay in an English speaking environment. Can I improve my skills a lot? Maybe it's a yes and also no. If I will not study very hard, I won't improve a lot. Even just studying English, you should do your best. You should learn more vocabulary as much as you can. Also don’t be shy, just say it. You will improve after you do these.

I feel NexSeed teachers surpised me. Because school has an ability test at first day. So, the teachers will know my English level. When there are some vocabulary that I don't know. Teachers are always explaining in english language. Unless, if I really can't understand, they will let me check it through dictionary.

I think it is a big different in Taiwan. Of course Taiwan is using Mandarin to teach English. But in Philippines they use English language to teach English. Automatically I answer my teacher's question in english. We need to focus on the teacher to understand what they want to express.

Now, when I talk with foreigners in Australia, this is a big help for me. These are the proofs to show my improvement. 

 4. 留學時印象最深刻的事。 





4. What the most memorable experience when you were in Cebu?

When I was in Cebu, during Chinese New year, I went with my teacher to her home town and visited her family. We have bought some foods and had dinner together. We went to Church. Stayed with them and talked with them, we really had a good time.

Otherwise, I spend my weekend to go on an island hopping. I really love the ocean in Cebu.

I also made a lot of Japanese friends in school. If I haven't been to Cebu, I wouldn't have those kinds of treasured experience. 





5. 目前的海外生活,快樂和辛苦的經驗分享。



5. What are the happiest and the hardest things living abroad, please share your experience.

Work is always hard. I can't decide which is the happiest or the hardest. Because you can try something new, it will bring happiness for me, although it can be hard also (haha).

Living abroad has different life style. You can try a lot of things you haven't experienced in Taiwan. You should try everything by yourself. So, if you can assimilate culture here, it is going to be easy.

But, Taiwan's foods are too delicious. I think it is the hardest thing in living abroad. You will miss the food in Taiwan always (haha).

 6. 目前的生活目標。


6. Nowdays, What's your goal in life?

I will study harder in English, improve my way of thinking and learning ability.


 7. 給想出國留學、工作的人一些建議。




7. Please give some suggestions for someone who want to study or working abroad.

If you want to try and you have opportunity, please give yourself a chance to have this kind of experience.

Everyone should remember what inspires you. Inspiration is important for everyone. No matter what is it, like for experience, for money or to practice the language. Anyway, rememberer that inspiration is important. Because it will become your solution when you are in difficult situation. And last, must be said, English is really important. That is basic tool for you to live abroad. 



Let's inspire the Next Seed for everyone.🌳




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